CHARITRA क्या है ? | चरित्र NIRMAN कैसे करें ? | CHARACTER QUOTES IN HINDI
Charitra क्या है ? | चरित्र nirman कैसे करें ? | Character Quotes In Hindi चरित्र को अंग्रेजी में Character कहा जाता हैं. आज का हमारा लेख भी चरित्र पर सुविचार (Character Quotes) या Quotes On Character के बारे में हैं. चरित्र नियति नहीं है। यह याद रखना महत्वपूर्ण है कि हमारा चरित्र प्रकृति और पोषण दोनों से आकार लेता है, इसलिए यह समय के साथ और अनुभव के माध्यम से बदल सकता है। सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात है कि यह महसूस करना कि आपके पास अपना चरित्र चुनने की शक्ति है । संसार में सभी जीव पात्र और अधिकारी हैं। परमात्मा के अंश होने के कारण अयोग्य तो कोई है ही नहीं। लेकिन पात्र की भी तो समय-समय पर सफाई आवश्यक है। कुछ ने अपने पात्र को इतना गंदा कर लिया है अमृत भी डालोगे तो विष हो जायेगा। कंकड- पत्थर इतने भर रखे हैं कि हीरे जवाहरात प्रवेश ही नही कर पा रहे। कंकड़ - पत्थरों को बाहर फेंको। हमारे पास पात्र तो है पर गंदे पात्र हैं। जन्म- जन्म से पात्र में कुविचारों की , वासना की , गलत कर्मों की गंदगी लिए बैठे हैं। उसे उलीचो बस, साफ़ करो। कथा और संत आश्रय से व नाम सुमिरन
एक बीज एक माली – A Small Poem on Father in Hindi | Emotional
एक बीज एक माली - A Small Poem on Father in Hindi | Emotional Fathers are always there for us when we need them - whether it be for financial support, advice, or guidance. What makes a father so special is that he makes sacrifices to provide everything we need in our lives. This fathers day poem in Hindi tells you how to express your appreciation for him. There is no one like him, and no one loves you as much as he does. The sacrifices and guidance he has given you have shaped who you are today. Have a wonderful Father's Day! Poem On Father In Hindi एक बीज एक माली """" एक बीज एक माली एक वृक्ष और उसकी छाया इन सब पृथकताओं के एकत्व का नाम है-- पिता..!" ओमा The अक् Poem For Dads A dad paves ways for you, the child, to lead your own life. He guides you through the ups and downs, making you strong and helping you take decisions that are in your best interests. He is a friend, a mentor and a great source of strength. Above all, he is your guiding light. A dad makes sure you don’t take the wrong
मुस्कुराती शाम – Best Poem On Evening in Hindi | Nature Shayari | Nazm
मुस्कुराती शाम - Best Poem On Evening in Hindi | Nature Shayari | Nazm Evenings are the most soothing time of the day. The cool breeze, twinkling stars, and yellowish-orange sun setting in the horizon is something quite magical. Evenings have that ability to lift up your spirits after a long tiring day. This article will present you some super awesome evening poems and shayaris on this amazing natural phenomenon in detail. Read this good evening shayari on nature or an urdu nazm in hindi and get inspired… मैं अक़्सर मुस्कुराती शाम से मिलता हूँ """मैं अक़्सर मुस्कुराती शाम से मिलता हूँ जो अपनी हथेली पे जलाए चाँद का दीपक फ़लक के बाम पर आती शफ़क़ के पैराहन में और सितारों की रिदा डाले बड़ी आहिस्ता आहिस्ता ज़मी पर पाँव रखती है मेरे आँगन में आती है मेरे नज़दीज बैठी ताकती रहती है वो मुझको मेरे शिक़वे-शिकायत और तक़ल्लुम सुनती रहती है पलट कर लौटने लगती है जब अपने फलक पर वो तो मेरे हाथ मे तोहफे का सूरज छोड़ जाती है... सलामत शाम हो और शाम का ये मुस्कुराना भी तुम्हारी यौमे-पैदाइश पे ये मेरी दुआएँ हैं....!! ओमा The अक् Beautiful Evening shayari in Hindi Aaj Phir Zindagi Ki
TheJourney of Romantic Emotional Shiv Parvati’s Life
Journey of Life : Romantic Emotional Shiv Parvati As we all know that the love story of shiv and parvati is the perfect example of unending love. Thousands of years have passed but their love continues to inspire people. The divine love between shiv and parvati is indeed a beautiful one. It is said that their union is meant to be eternal and not just in this world, but also the next. Their eternal love for each other transcends all boundaries and reaches even the heavens. Their union was not just about their physical relationship but also a union of souls. Parvati is considered as the manifestation of shiva’s wife, so let’s see where does their extraordinary love begin? A brief introduction of Lord Shivas Shiva is the Supreme Being in the Shaivite (Shaivite) religion. He is also known as Mahadeva, the great god. Shiva is the one who is ever present in all creation, yet remains beyond all forms and limitations. This makes him the most suitable deity for all seekers, whatever their path. As a first step towards understanding who Shiva is and what he means, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the various terms
How To Find The Best Astrologer In India For Your Specific Needs
How To Find The Best Astrologer In India For Your Specific Needs Astrology is an ancient practice that’s been around for thousands of years. In this modern age, many people have started to fear the idea of astrology as a result of being exposed to popular culture representations that have been sensationalized. In fact, some individuals have grown so distrusting of anything pertaining to astrology that they refuse to even utter the word “astrologer” aloud in their presence. However, there is nothing to fear from these practitioners and whether you are looking for clarification on your own identity, seeking insight about a current relationship or want to know about future potential partners and opportunities, hiring an astrologer can be extremely helpful. If you’re interested in getting a consultation with an astrologer and want to know where you can find the best one in India, read on for our recommendations. How to find the best astrologer in India First, you’ll want to decide on which city you’d like to meet with your astrologer. There are many astrologers who live and work in different cities throughout India. Once you’ve decided on which city, you can begin looking up the best astrologers in
CHARITRA क्या है ? | चरित्र NIRMAN कैसे करें ? | CHARACTER QUOTES IN HINDI
Charitra क्या है ? | चरित्र nirman कैसे करें ? | Character Quotes In Hindi चरित्र को अंग्रेजी में Character कहा जाता हैं. आज का हमारा लेख भी चरित्र पर सुविचार (Character Quotes) या Quotes On Character के बारे में हैं. चरित्र नियति नहीं है। यह याद रखना महत्वपूर्ण है
एक बीज एक माली – A Small Poem on Father in Hindi | Emotional
एक बीज एक माली - A Small Poem on Father in Hindi | Emotional Fathers are always there for us when we need them - whether it be for financial support, advice, or guidance. What makes a father so special is that he makes sacrifices to provide everything we need
मुस्कुराती शाम – Best Poem On Evening in Hindi | Nature Shayari | Nazm
मुस्कुराती शाम - Best Poem On Evening in Hindi | Nature Shayari | Nazm Evenings are the most soothing time of the day. The cool breeze, twinkling stars, and yellowish-orange sun setting in the horizon is something quite magical. Evenings have that ability to lift up your spirits after a
TheJourney of Romantic Emotional Shiv Parvati’s Life
Journey of Life : Romantic Emotional Shiv Parvati As we all know that the love story of shiv and parvati is the perfect example of unending love. Thousands of years have passed but their love continues to inspire people. The divine love between shiv and parvati is indeed a beautiful
How To Find The Best Astrologer In India For Your Specific Needs
How To Find The Best Astrologer In India For Your Specific Needs Astrology is an ancient practice that’s been around for thousands of years. In this modern age, many people have started to fear the idea of astrology as a result of being exposed to popular culture representations that have
Spiritual Teachers : Who They Are and What They Teach Who Are Spiritual Teachers ? Spiritual teachers may also known as spiritual guide or spiritual counselor. They come in all shapes and sizes. They may be your yoga teacher, your meditation teacher, your life coach, or even your best friend. These people have attained a […]
Charitra क्या है ? | चरित्र nirman कैसे करें ? | Character Quotes In Hindi चरित्र को अंग्रेजी में Character कहा जाता हैं. आज का हमारा लेख भी चरित्र पर सुविचार (Character Quotes) या Quotes On Character के बारे में हैं. चरित्र नियति नहीं है। यह याद रखना महत्वपूर्ण है कि हमारा चरित्र प्रकृति और […]
एक बीज एक माली – A Small Poem on Father in Hindi | Emotional Fathers are always there for us when we need them – whether it be for financial support, advice, or guidance. What makes a father so special is that he makes sacrifices to provide everything we need in our lives. This fathers […]
मुस्कुराती शाम – Best Poem On Evening in Hindi | Nature Shayari | Nazm Evenings are the most soothing time of the day. The cool breeze, twinkling stars, and yellowish-orange sun setting in the horizon is something quite magical. Evenings have that ability to lift up your spirits after a long tiring day. This article […]
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