Bharat Against Abuse
To stop the increasing rape and violence in India, there is a need for movement on social development in society. Realizing this fact, OmaTheAKK started the nationwide movement “BHARAT Against Abuse” which is to stop the verbal rape of women in the society by the abusers for which an affidavit signature campaign is being conducted with public awareness. Under this campaign, An appeal is being made to the public to stop the female indicator abuses in digital media.
Introductory Message & Appeal
Yash Bharati Adhyatm Murti Swami Oma The AKK
Students Taking Pledge For #BaaMovement
Hitesh Akk Urges People to support #BaaMovement
Saqib Bharat Urging Supporters to join the #BaaMovement
We invite short(60sec) videos from people taking solemnly pledge that they will not use/type/promote/market any abuses targeted to women or their body parts.
*हम पूरी तरह से प्रतिज्ञा लेने वाले लोगों से लघु (60 सेकेंड) वीडियो आमंत्रित करते हैं कि वे महिलाओं या उनके शरीर के अंगों पर लक्षित किसी भी दुर्व्यवहार / उपयोग / बाजार का उपयोग नहीं करेंगे।*
We will really appreciate if you can help us Spreading #BaaMovement Or #BharatAgainstAbuse as your story or a post on Your Facebook , Instagram , Twitter , YouTube etc as a support gesture for a good cause.
Spread The Word!